Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry


  • White metal free fillings
    • If a cavity is caught early your dentist can most likely treat it with a simple filling. Composite fillings are a modern material that does not contain mercury like silver amalgam fillings. This composite is also made up of smaller particle which allow you to keep more of your tooth and are a colour which closely matches a natural tooth.
  • Porcelain inlays & onlays
    • Inlays and onlays are restorations which are fabricated outside of the mouth by a dental lab, unlike fillings which are built directly on the tooth. They perform the same function as a filling by replacing the part of the tooth which is damaged by decay or fracture. A mould is taken so that the lab can match the shape of your tooth and then our dentists cement this piece to your existing tooth. Inlays and onlays can be more effective than regular fillings in reinforcing teeth which are more compromised or damaged.
  • Bridges
    • If you are missing teeth which is causing you to have trouble speaking, chewing or causing strain then you should consider a bridge. They “bridge” the gaps between your teeth by filling them with strong, natural looking artificial teeth. They are your semi-permanent options for creating a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth when you’ve lost teeth.
  • Non-surgical root canal therapy
    • When the bacteria creating a cavity are not dealt with early on they may work their way into the root and nerve of your tooth creating pain, and hot/cold sensitivity. When this occurs your dentist will drill into your tooth to flush out the bacteria and leave you pain free. This procedure may take one or two visits depending on the severity of the infection.
  • Complete or partial dentures
    • A denture is a removable dental appliance which is used as a replacement for missing teeth. They are made by a dental lab to closely resemble your original smile. Partial dentures fill in spaces from missing teeth and help to prevent the movement of your remaining teeth. Complete dentures are used to replace all of your teeth. While they are very durable they may need occasional repairs or adjustments due to wear.
  • Full mouth restorations
    • If you are not happy with your smile or your ability to chew due to missing, damaged or worn teeth then we can help to restore your mouth. We will work together to create a comprehensive restoration treatment plan which may include veneers, crowns, bridges, implants, periodontal therapy and endodontic treatment. We will also facilitate and coordinate any work you may need with specialists such as orthodontists, prosthodontists, and oral surgeons.
  • Gum disease treatment
    • Gum disease is a very serious problem which can have adverse effects not only on your oral health but on your overall health. It has been shown to be linked to both heart disease and low birth weight in babies. The beginning symptoms are red swollen gums and bleeding when brushing or flossing. If it is not treated it can result in gum recession, bad breath and even tooth loss. Our office will work with you to prevent and treat gum disease through tartar and plaque removal and oral hygiene tools and demonstrations.